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Q: At the Man Summit you said chivalry is important.
Does that mean you'd get into a bar fight to defend a woman's honor? A: A man is always going to have to stand up for his woman.
But as far as har fights, I hope it wouldn't come to that.
I do dunk he should hold a door open or get in a cal) first so she doesn't have to slide across.
I think that's being manly.
0: Fifty-seven percent of guys say that men are more commitmentphobic now than they were in previous generations Why? A: I replica louis vuitton alma bag a imui feels an obligation to provide before he can settle down.
That's in our nature.
If we feel like we can support a woman and a family, then perhaps we feel more colnfoitable moving forwaucl with a relationship.
0: Only 32 percent of guys think that their generation will have happier marriages than past generations have had.
What do you think is the key to a happy relationship? A: Them has to be a level of chenustry between die man and woman, and once you get past that, you have to be wilWig to work at Replica Louis vuitton handbags I fundamentally believe that it has to be a 50-50 pa tinership.
0: We've heard you're a huge sports fan.
So why do guys get so caught up in a game? A: It's an outlet for us.
+'e grew up playing these spoits...
or at least wanting to.
As an adult, when you watch a game, you go off into some sort of dreamlike world where you can go back to your chiklhood.
Its an escape.
0: What's one thing women should know about men? A: In general, nien are who they are What you see is Replica Louis Vuitton Sobe you get.
He reclines and has one hand on top of the wheel at 12.
This guy is dominant.
By leaning his seat back, he's taking up as much space as possible to claim his territory.
And his steering style is his way of showing he's so in control, he can do it one-handed.
He's sitting up straight, with his hands at 10 and 2.
A dude who drives like this is practical.
He keeps his hands firmly in this position because it's convenient to the horn, turn signal, and hghts-in case he should need, well, anything.

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